Massachusetts Healthcare Jobs

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State of Massachusetts Registered Nurse III- Evening Supervisor in Chelsea, Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Veterans Homes are independent state agencies that organizationally report to the Secretary of the Executive Office of Veterans Services (EOVS). The Veterans Homes are owned and operated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and address the needs of a wide variety of veterans, including long term care and domiciliary services meeting the veteran residents’ care and psychosocial needs. The care and services provided by the Veterans’ Homes are supported by a staff of approximately 450, representing physicians, advanced practice clinicians, nurses, aides, social workers, recreation therapist, physical and occupational therapy, speech language pathology, educators, building trades, dietary, housekeeping, managers, support staff, consultants and contractors. The tradition of service to the veterans of Massachusetts is surpassed only by a continued commitment to excellence in care for those who are in need now and in the future. GENERALSTATEMENTOFDUTIESANDRESPONSIBILITIES Directs and participates in daily nursing care activities for adult and geriatric Veteran patients. Provide direction and overall delivery ofquality nursingcaretoaculturally diverse resident veteran population. Assess,plan,andevaluate nursingcareand veteran/family progress towards goals while guiding staff as needed. Foster high standards of resident care through the provision of diligent orientation and continuing education efforts of staff including best practices, teamwork, and professional development.Assumesadministration and supervision of2ndshift nursing units, personnel, and quality of caregiven. DETAILEDSTATEMENTOFDUTIESANDRESPONSIBILITIES * Assesses,plansandevaluatesnursingcareandVeteranprogresstowardsgoals,directingstaffasneeded. * Maintainsowncompetenceandservesasaclinicalresourceandexpertrolemodeltostaff. * Participatesininterdisciplinaryteamprocesstointegratenursingintoacoordinated planofcarewithallothersupport services. * AssuresthatVeterancaregoalsaremutuallyestablishedwithVeterans,families&staff. * Develops systems fortheevaluation ofVeteran caredelivered inrelationto the Veteran carerequired,suchason- going medical record review, report findings, actions and follow-up through the QualityImprovementprocess. * InteractswithappropriatemanagementpersonnelregardingVeterancareandrelatedissues. * MemberofappropriateclinicalcommitteestosupportVeterancare. * Promotesteamworkwithallstaffassignedtoshift. * Plansforoptimalutilizationofstaffforthedeliveryofnursingcarethroughoutthe24hour/7dayaweekperiod. * Monitorsactivitiesoftheshiftstaff;holdsstaffaccountableforownclinicalpractice,includinguseofnursing processandappropriate documentationto meetallregulatorybodystandards. * Assures staff knowledge and integration of age-specific nursingofthe Veteran population asa critical element inthe assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care. * Utilizesappropriateresourceswithinfacilitytoidentifyandprovideeducation,technicalorinformationservicesneeded to staff or Veterans. * Completesemployeeperformanceappraisals(EPRS)ondirectreportingstaff. * AssiststheHome’sonshift fiscallybycollaboratingwiththeDONmaintainingaccountabilityforapproved. * Personnel,suppliesandexpensebudget. * MaintainsasafeenvironmentforVeterans,staff membersandvisitors. * Otherdutiesasassigned. QUALIFICATIONSREQUIREDATHIRE * * Knowledge oftheprinciplesandpracticesofsupervision. * Knowledgeoftheprinciplesandagespecificpracticesofnursing. * Knowledge of standard nursingpolicies, procedures, methods, andtechniques, includingsafe administrationofmedications. * KnowledgeofResidentAssessmentInstrument(RAI),includingMOS/RapsprocessandInterdisciplinaryTeam approach to care planning. * Knowledgeofproblem-solvingtechniques. * Abilitytoestablishrapportand dealtactfullywithpersonsofvariedethnic,culturaland/oreconomicbackgrounds. * Abilitytomaintainaccurate records. AbilitytomaintainconfidentialityofVeteranmedicalinformation. * Abilitytogiveandfollowwrittenandoralinstructionsinaprecise,understandablemanner. * Abilitytoreadandinterpretdocumentssuchas physician'sordersandtreatmentplans. * Ability to gather information through observing and questioning individuals, and by examiningrecords anddocuments. * Abilitytoestablishandmaintainharmoniousworkingrelationshipswithothers. * Abilitytooperateasateamplayerandworkindependently. * Abilitytomakedecisionsandactquicklyinemergencysituations. * Abilitytoexercisesoundjudgement. * Willingnesstoworkvariedshiftsand/orirregularhours(i.e.,weekends,holidays,nights) *QUALIFICATIONSACQUIREDONJOB(listknowledges,skills,abilities) * Abilitytorecognizesymptomsofagerelatedand/oremotionaldisorders. * UnderstandingofVeteran'sAdministration(VA)andMassachusettsregulationsregardinglongtermcare * UnderstandingandknowledgeoftheJointCommissionstandards REMARKS Dementia Certification preferred. Will be required to float to various nursingunits of the Veteran facility as needed. Will be required to rotate shifts a needed. Willbe requiredtoworkeveryotherweekend,andtoworkholidaysasneeded. Willberequiredtowork with residentswhomaybeassaultive,haveabusivebehaviororage-relatedconditions. * * _Pre-Offer Process:_ For BU and MI-MIV A criminal background check will be completed on the recommended candidate as required by the regulations set forth by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services prior to the candidate being hired. For more information, please visit Education, licensure and certifications will be verified in accordance with the Human Resources Division’s Hiring Guidelines. Education and license/certification information provided by the selected candidate(s) is subject to the Massachusetts Public Records Law and may be published on the Commonwealth’s website. First consideration will be given to those applicants that apply within the first 14 days. MINIMUM ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have at least (A) one year of full-time or equivalent part-time, experience as a registered nurse in a recognized hospital, clinic or medical facility, and (B) six months of which must have been in a supervisory, administrative or managerial capacity. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL LEVELS IN SERIES: Current and valid registration as a professional nurse under the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing.* Recent graduates from an approved school of nursing must have applied for the first available registered nurse examination. Based on assignment, possession of a current and valid Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Operator's license may be required. _Comprehensive Benefits_ When you embark on a career with the Commonwealth, you are offered an outstanding suite of employee benefits that add to the overall value of your compensation package. We take pride in providing a work experience that supports you, your loved ones, and your future. Want the specifics? Explore our Employee Benefits and Rewards! *COVID Vaccine: As a condition of employment, depending on job assignment and location, employees may be required to have received COVID-19 vaccination and/or other vaccinations, or to have been approved for a vaccination exemption prior to their start date. Details relating to demonstrating compliance with this requirement will be provided to applicants selected for employment. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer. Females, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. The Commonwealth is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin, veteran status, or any other basis covered by appropriate law. Research suggests that qualified women, Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color (BIPOC) may self-select out of opportunities if they don't meet 100% of the job requirements. We encourage individuals who believe they have the skills necessary to thrive to apply for this role. Job: Medical Services* *Organization: Chelsea Veterans Home *Title: *Registered Nurse III- Evening Supervisor Location: Massachusetts-Chelsea-91 Crest Street Requisition ID: 250000M6
